Remember The Vision You Had For Business When You First Started?

We Can Get You There!

I Have A Storey!

Years ago, when I just stared my career, with pleasure, I helped friends and family on small projects by organizing work plans and doing admin work on small projects at no cost. I enjoyed the challenges and was always gifted at harnessing ideas into workable roadmaps. It was a way I could be creative and learn new things. I didn’t realize at the time I would find my WHY rooted in helping others.

Years later, I organized a family concierge business, capitalizing on my passion assisting others. The experience allowed me to appreciate the nuances of working with clients and providing customized services they need. I was motivated by their appreciation for my attention to detail, genuine care for their success and ability to anticipate their needs. “I’m totally obsessed by the idea of partnership and collaboration. The most incredible gift you I give as a business partner is caring about my client’s business.” ~LeAngela “Storey” Aitken

In everything I do I keep in mind the concept of partnership and collaboration. I envision that years into the future, each of my clients look back on their journey and celebrate the contribution I made to their success. This feeds every step I take with each project.

I strive to exceed my client’s expectations and be viewed as more than a service provider, but a partner, and together create incredible stories of accomplishment, perseverance and growth. 

I’m on a mission to help you get out of the day-to-day grind of your business, get clarity and focus on where to best use your time and keep you accountable to your goals. 

Together let’s bring your vision and mission to fruition! It starts with a no-obligation call with me.  Click the link below and let’s get down to business.

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